
DMV | Holiday Mini Session | An Oates Christmas

Clad down in burgundy velvet and black corduroy threads, The Oates Family graced the studio for my 2021 Holiday Mini Sessions and did a fantastic job. Many of you may have seen or heard of Mariah Oates. She is a well-known DMV publicist, Communications Manager at Mamatoto Village, Social Media Manager for District Motherhued, and mom to a beautiful daughter Skylar. Phew! I’m getting tired just thinking about what your days must look like.

As you might be able to tell, Mariah has limited time and opted for a quick Christmas mini-session. She was in and out in 30 minutes (20-minute session, 10 minutes to select her photo). Now you’re probably thinking to yourself, only twenty minutes of shooting time? Minis are fast-paced sessions, and the idea of them is to save time and money. However, twenty minutes is more than enough! I mean, look at all that I captured in this instance. The classic family portraits, some father and daughter, mommy and me’s, and of course, you can never go wrong with the traditional solo shots. So don’t let those twenty minutes fool you! The content I capture in that time will sustain, and you will have a large gallery to decide from. Trust me! 

For those that know me and for those that don’t,  I love rooting for women! So let’s just take a moment to collectively clap for Mariah, okay? Listen, she is killing the game! Conquering everything she takes on in a world that works endlessly to limit what we can accomplish. Keep it up, Mariah! Her various contributions deserve all the recognition! 

With so much being on her plate, Mariah did right by taking advantage of these mini sessions. It’s the best way to save time, especially during a season where it seems as though time is never available. Everyone should have the opportunity to partake in holiday portraits! I mean, it’s what makes the holidays! Therefore, their demanding schedule should never be the reason why they don’t. With these sessions, Mariah and those in the same boat as her have the chance to do so.

This year, sessions will be held from October-December 2022. If you are interested in booking or learning more about them, head over to the Holiday Mini Session page. Here’s to the Holidays!!!